VOLVO - Produktrange
Volvo soil compactors
Engine • Tier III/IV-certified diesel engines are environmentally friendly; meet or exceed EPA standards Drum Performance • Multiple frequencies allow precise matching of drum vibration and the natural harmonics of various soils (Except SD25, SD45) • High centrifugal force promotes fewer passes to obtain maximum density during compaction Operator Comfort • Instrument pedestal, adjustable operator seat and ergonomically designed controls - high comfort & visibility to drum edges (see brochures for options/ standards) Serviceability • Ground level access to daily check points, fuel tank, oil dipstick, and hydraulic filters Safety • Spring Applied Hydraulic Release brakes auto-apply if engine stalls or hydrostatic system losses pressure
Safety (Increasing job site safety)
Operator Comfort (Platforms & controls)
Visibility (Increasing operator efficiency)
Serviceability (Increasing uptime)
Drum Performance (High centrifugal forces and amplitudes)
26 | Product Range Guide
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