Norsk Standard MFM

NS-EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013

EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013 (E)

[16] ECE R43, Annex 5, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of safety glazing and glazing material. Uniformly-Toughened Glass Panes

[17] ECE R46, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of rear-view mirrors, and of motor vehicles with regard to the installation of rear-view-mirrors


[18] EN 294:1992, Safety of machinery- Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs [19] Ei> EN 474-5:2006+A1:2009, Earth-moving machinery- Safety- Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators

EN 474-12:2006+A1:2008, Earth-moving machinery -

Safety -

Part 12: Requirements for cable


excavators 0.11

EN 500 (all parts), Mobile road construction machinery


[22] EN 1492-1:2000, Textile slings- Safety- Part 1: Flat woven webbing slings, made of man-made fibres, for general purpose use

[23] EN 1492-2:2000, Textile slings- Safety- Part 2: Roundslings, made of man-made fibres, for general purpose use

[24] EN 1710:2005, Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground mines

[25] Ei> EN 12096:1997, Mechanical vibration - Declaration and verification of vibration emission values

ISO/TR 25398, Earth-moving machinery - vibration of ride-on machines - organizations and manufacturers 0.11 Ei) deleted text 0.11

Guidelines for assessment of exposure to whole-body Use of harmonized data measured by international institutes,


[27] EN ISO 11688-2:2000, Acoustics- Recommended practice for the design of !ow-noise machinery and equipment- Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design (ISO!TR 11688-2:1998)

[28] EN ISO 15667:2000, Acoustics- Guidelines for noise control by enclosures and cabins (ISO 15667:2000)

[29] ISO 19472:2006, Machinery for forestry-- Winches-- Dimensions, performance and safety

[30] ISO 6750:2005, Earth-moving machinery- Operators manual -- Content and format

[31] ISO 6746-1 :2003, Earth-moving machinery- Definitions of dimensions and codes- Part 1: Base machine

[32] ISO 6746-2:2003, Earth-moving machinery- Definitions of dimensions and codes- Part 2: Equipment and attachments

[33] ISO 8084:2003, Machinery for forestry- Operator protective structures- Laboratory tests and performance requirements

[34] ISO 9244:1955, . Earth-moving machinery- Safety signs and hazard pictorials- General principles

[35] ISO 9247:1990, Earth-moving machinery- Electrical wires and cables- Principles of identification and marking


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